pick pocketting players

Started by prestonhunt, May 26, 2011, 11:02:01 PM

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Noticed a bug with this today.

Chain of events is this:

1.  Pick a pc's pocket.
2.  Fail the pp roll.
3.  Bluff is rolled and the check is successful.
4.  The target of the pp gets a status message that says "you just noticed (pc name) try to pick your pocket!
5.  The target got a message saying that " (pickpocketter) noticed your attempt to pick his pocket, but that the (target) managed to remain calm and not attract suspicion."

Obviously, in event 5 the wrong person got the message, and the names of the pickpocket and the target are reversed.

Finally, I have a sneaking suspicion that the target was supposed to get a final message; something about my bluff roll mitigating suspicion.

When the pp roll is successful, it all seems to work properly.