Gabriel Ashvale - "You'll never do it."

Started by Listen in Silence, May 03, 2011, 06:26:49 PM

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Listen in Silence

"You'll never do it!" They, that is the voices in my head, shouted over and over again. "Listen in Silence playing a non-questing concept? Hah!"

And they were right. Nearly two months, 3 days of which were spent in game, and I had enough.

I bought 142 items, borrowed 226 and sold 169. I had over 11000 gold in the bank and at the time no debts to pay.

But now, Gabriel Ashvale returned to his native Tethyr. That was my backup plan, for if I discovered that playing what I had planned to be a 'political' figure would be too boring. As it turned out I hadn't the time or the energy to make one of those actual powers. Nor I suspect, the talent.

With very little further ado I want to thank all those clueless people who tried to guess who I was playing, and all those nice customers and - above all - those who stopped to chat with me when I was alone.

I'll be back before you know it with a more classic LiS character. One that doesn't talk 24/7.


This one's called "Business" and that's just what it is! Just plain, boring business. That's what all my days looked like.

My biggest customer and partner was the Numinous Order of Brethren Votarient, contributing with over 100 items in total. I paid out well over 5000 gold in earnings to them over the weeks.

Where's Gabriel?

Oh, he's on a boat.

Saying goodbye.

Gabriel Ashvale (Serendipity on Demand)

This character was created on Sunday, March 6th, 2011 at 01:40:12 PM.
Since creation, this character has logged on and off 119 times.
The character has spent 3 days, 23 hours, 29 minutes, and 47 seconds online.

 Neutral Neutral - Human
Bard (5)
Current XP [TNL]: 12246 [2754]
Age: 43
Gender: Male
 Deity: no deity
Gold: 510
Invalid Account: 8811

Yes. Gabriel was Faithless. He used this, and his ultra high Bluff score, to his advantage-- Making all sorts of people believe he was their brother in faith.

Beyond that he had at one point trade agreements with people from every large faction on the island, except the Gazers. That included Conclave, Armada, Sons of Sabuth, Fellhammer, Elves and a mercenary corporation.

I played all the strums of the harp.


el groso

Very cool, I love -real- merchants (not talking about loot whores), reminds me of Proverson and some others, but this one had his own style. Kudos

The Old Hack

So long, Gabriel, and thanks for all the chats! :)