To Hunt A Kraken...

Started by Mad Jack Dubloons, May 04, 2011, 11:42:37 PM

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Mad Jack Dubloons


Who wants to kill this Puppy?

I want a group of people who want to come together and hunt legendary monsters throughout the server. Dragons, Manticore, the White Stags, the Krakens of the Deep, the Basilisk, and more!

This isn't so much as a group concept as it is a group of people interested in becoming famous/infamous on this isle through the dedicated hunting of these mythical monsters. They work together to end the threat they pose, or just to become famous, or sell the body parts to wizards.

The group has other goals, but I look forward to people coming forward and being part of an informal huntsman club!

The concept caters to all classes and alignments, so I hope to see you IG!

Mad Jack, OUT

Mad Jack Dubloons

Maybe a Basilisk is more to your taste? No?

I got an infinite number of goals folks, hunting down the server's legendary monsters, what more could we want?