the lag log or "lag death"

Started by godofpaincc8, April 03, 2011, 12:02:57 PM

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id like to report this as my character was almost retired by DM for this. When playing a character I am sure everyone experiences this everything may lag so much that everything ceases to move but your character enemy's stop attacking the dialogue area stops you say something but it doesn't appear and before you know it it says "server connection error you have been disconnected from server" and you cant log back in due to CD key still in use or bioware disconnection and when you do log back in your character is dead and you don't know why. The DM will check the logs and they will say you were logged out at a time a few minutes before you regained connection. In my situation i was fighting troglodytes and was underwater. This happened to me when i logged back in i was dead drowned as i think it said. The DM ported me to the DM area to discuss what happened as my dad was a DM for the WrathOfZero server and said that that method was a way of copying items and found that characters would shape shift into a creature get disarmed shape shift into another do the same then shift back and the player would have both awesome weapons from shift log out with them in inventory and when they logged back in the items would merge and become a permanent magic item. The DM "no name as he was wrong don't want to make him look bad it wasn't his fault" asked me what happened and i said exactly what happened "the beginning scenerio" and he said he didn't believe me i was telling the honest truth but he said my character was to be retired until i sent an email apologizing about lieing to the DM. I said no as i was telling the truth. So while my character was in the retirement zone i requested speaking to another DM other than the DM that retired me. I told him the same thing and also said "wheres the logic in me taking my fav character taking him underwater right next to the exit to the surface and sitting there for 15 rounds until i drowned low enough to knock me to bleeding then not send a PM for help as my party was right above me and then log out so i would die right there and then... He checked the logs and looked at the logic and believed me unretired my character and both DMs apologized for the inconvenience i realized that players may do what i did in another case scenario but mine had no proof that i cheated cloned or did anything out of the ordinary i just stood there as the logs say and i died only an idiot does that "no offense to the retarded or challenged" so i am now playing my character and having fun again please DMs i urge you to study this problem further i ask you to see if this is happening to others or  otherwise tell me as  that may mean my connection needs fixing or my comp. is messed up and needs repairs. I also would like to say that the DM that retired me was just doing his job as DM and i respect that id like to say good job to him and the other DM for looking into it further thank you everyone for reading and id like to see this problem fixed if possible.:D:D:D


That was a painful wall of text.

The disconnect that occurred has nothing to do with our server, but was either a problem with your own connection or just the internet. They do happen occasionally. Our system automatically retired you because you didn't log back in promptly and disconnected while bleeding to death. It was at this stage that you were questioned by a DM, and ultimately unretired.


I also have a problem with connection and I've dropped plenty of time dying to rather annoying things, such as letting a rat pummel my 5th level fighter to death, or drowning, like you have.
I've learned its just best to roll with it.


ok howland thanks for letting me know iwas actually very scared lol that something was honestly wrong that character is my fav and i have very intense and am participating in crazy PC generated story in game that is very exciting i will need to be more careful and log off from time to time to reduce this thanks and tophat i know you have that happen a lot too when we were fighting goblins remember you kept sitting there and then logging out i had to protect you lol. And thanks again howland and im sorry for the rampaging wall of death text lol:D


I just found a link that may be useful for you, godofpaincc8. Here you go.


Actually, this link is probably more useful.


wow nice way of saying im stupid lol funny im not bad at writing i just dont try to hard on forums or game pages as its not as important i could have sorted it out and used less writing but chose not too :D i will write less next time though as to decrease the amount of DM headaches from reading that lol



It's cool. Just hit enter twice after every couple of sentences or a train of thought. Ignore the haters.


Ignore the haters my ass, grammar and punctuation exist for a reason. 'I don't put a lot of effort into it' is exactly the reason have difficulty understanding what you type. If you use punctuation, people will gladly read through whatever suggestion you make rather than passing it up as 'oh, wall of text, oh we'll and move on.


I don't think you're stupid, but it is important that you - and every EfU player - be able to write clearly and correctly. I understand that you're young but these are important skills.


Quote from: Porkolt;232491Ignore the haters my ass, grammar and punctuation exist for a reason. 'I don't put a lot of effort into it' is exactly the reason I/we have difficulty understanding what you type. If you use punctuation, people will gladly read through whatever suggestion you make rather than passing it up as 'oh, wall of text, oh well' and move on.

Please check this out.


ok cool thanks.....