No more placeable transitions!

Started by Thomas_Not_very_wise, November 08, 2008, 08:43:41 PM

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I am sorry, but these transitions are stupid.

For one- creatures can block them and keep you from reaching the surface and prevent you from drowning!

I headed into the Gobsquat waters, and some Pyrimo Sharks were ON the placeable. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get up. Guess what happened, I -drowned- to death. Some might say you simply conjure a creature to get them off. What if you have no conjuration items, hm?

I am mad while I am making this post, so I will apologize in advance if I offended any DM's.


I died to two sharks on the same transition, couldn't get back up in time. :(

Jayde Moon

I dunno, might be hard to get out of the water when under a SHARK ATTACK.  Pretty realistic IMO...

Now if they were friendly sharks of niceness, then you've got a strong case!



I know you are cranky, but the collision system is 1.69 and large NPCs can block normal transit too..

We use them for a reason, as it is more convenient at time to have a descriptor for the transition or to have the transition 'glow' when you press tab.

So, you'll just have to work around that.