Placely placables

Started by Kinslayer988, February 18, 2011, 05:12:31 AM

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Who wouldn't want to have the head of the dragon they killed hanging over their base? Who wouldn't want to have that glorious sign with an Ogres face saying "OGRE stay out!". Efu has the most unique customizable systems and if there was a placable system then it would be amazing.
An example of a placable system we already have is herbalism. If we use something similar to the system's placing. I want to see players creating piled statues than people asking "I want to make grafiti on a wall, I want to pike heads, and I want to hang some corpses" It would allow the dms to do their own business rather than having to make this all the time.
<SkillFocuspwn> no property developers among men only brothers


Making this system persistent would probably cause more hassle than it's worth.


Yeah, gonna side with Porkolt, could 'cause quite a bit of lag, unless limited to one or two placeables, but that might be workable in certain areas.


What you'd need is a system that makes it possible for any player to remove any placeable, it'd have to be persistent, otherwise it'd just be useless, there need to be measures to prevent abuse by blocking off certain paths, something to prevent huge amounts of these placeables from cropping up and causing lag, and then it needs to be actually scripted, the inventory items added to the game, then to loot tables/shops/whatever, and a lot more...
All so you can put a new chair in your guildhall.
Let's face it. If you think your PC has deserved a placeable being somewhere to represent something worthwhile he did IG, you're just as well off using the module change request topic.
It puts a filter on the system, and is probably a lot less work for devs.


This is not a technically feasible suggestion.


This reminds me of Arelith's fixture system... Which I do not like very much (and is just another part of Arelith that makes it seem like the Sims to me).


What you can get however is placeables added if you take an area for your group, thrive and engage in proactivity, and generally rock out.