Troll quest

Started by Spiffy Has, January 23, 2011, 03:42:10 PM

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Spiffy Has

Make the quest 4-9 nine like it was originally.

It is currently 6-9!


Agreed. Although it is a very tough quest.

Listen in Silence

If the min level is 6, the top should be 10 in my opinion.

Of course, I'm sure the DM's have given at least the maximum level much consideration. I can't see why the min level would be as it is though, seeing as the min level of many other much more dangerous quests, such as Corals for instance, is a usual 4.


A level 4 would have trouble getting to this quest imo

Egon the Monkey

I beg to differ, Own. I've been blocked from taking a full party along as the level 4 or 5 we had was stuck and decided to log out. If you're canny enough to reach the quest and live, you can certainl;y manage to do it.


It actually used to be 4-10.


6-9 does seem somewhat limiting.


While 6-9 does seem limiting, I'm not sure this quest is exactly designed for lower level fare. I think they would prefer less upset over deaths due to having too many people in the party too low to contribute, or an entire party of people who just couldn't handle the quest.

As it is in order to survive this quest you need at least one player with balls of steel to kill certain things surrounded by certain other things OR a lot of players truckload of consumables. Both is usually better though <_<

Spiffy Has


I've gone into this quest 7th level and come out 4th. >_>


April fools! It's 69 not 6-9. You racey DMs you.


I would keep it as it is. It's a pretty horrible quest in which mostly only high-AB, high damage, multiple attacks per round people can contribute, after being buffed. Trolls just outregen everything otherwise and swarm you. Taking anyone else below a certain point with you just serves to get them XP, while they can't contribute.

Egon the Monkey

Without spoiling the quest, I would like to say that a L5 using a certain tactic against a particular enemy on this quest can be extremely effective and valuable, more so than on any other higher level quest. They can also survive while doing it. This quest definitely rewards brains over firepower, I've frontlined it on a wizard before in a 2 man team several times. Steel balls are not a requirement, Naga, but communication and willingness to use supplies are.

Trolls is one of my favourite quests because it's that bit different, but the dangers involved in getting there, and the ease with which an incautious party can get TPKed, do tend to put people off. It's no harder than Orcs or something, just requires a different approach.


Quote from: Seanzie;220195April fools! It's 69 not 6-9. You racey DMs you.

It is January.