Started by Nights Bane, January 20, 2011, 01:12:37 AM

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Nights Bane

Turns out. Quite a few people do what i do on efu when they're quested out, or can't find anyone to rp with because its not peak time-
They turn up the Sound FX vlume, turn down the music, and sit by a door waiting for someon to open it! - In fact... I'm doing it as i type this post and browse the forums.

The solution is simple, and I cannot find fault with it-
The custom spell 'Ward Area', dings the PC, when a creature crosses over it, so why on TORIL are 1/day ward area items not commonplace?
I don't believe even stealthers spring it, as it acts like a trap!


That's a rather powerful spell that, if it were this common, would make scrying nearly useless as people would simply always ward wherever they were. It also has a very very long duration.


I believe he's referring to the alarm spell, as opposed to ward area. since yes, a 1/day ward area item would be very powerful as no one could scry you if you just use it before every secret meeting.

    Alarm however would be more reasonable, but I think some quests periodically dropping items that have a charge or two of alarm would be reasonable enough.

    Either way, I simply feel the lack of such items makes having a wizard in your nefarious crew all the more useful. As opposed to a bunch of blade-wielding toughs, or a sorceror with 6 or more level 4 spell slots to crush quests with. (Unsure how many people actually have six, just making a random example that sorcerors generally have more spell slots.)