Handy setup for using multiple .ini files for different servers without needing mulitple installations

Started by mucka1916, January 16, 2011, 12:58:08 AM

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My current installation allows me to run vanilla NWN and EFU without requiring different installs to move files around

First I made 2 folders in NWN installation. EfuServer and Vanilla.

I placed the EFU override folder, music folder and Portraits into the Efuserver folder along with the nwnplayer.ini file.
I also placed an empty folder of each into the NWN folder and left my default gaming nwnplayer.ini present. Then I added the following .bat file into the NWN folder and shortcutted it to my desktop

@echo off
move nwnplayer.ini Vanilla\nwnplayer.ini
move Portraits Vanilla\Portraits
move override Vanilla\override
move music Vanilla\music
move EfuServer\nwnplayer.ini nwnplayer.ini
move EfuServer\portraits Portraits
move EfuServer\music music
move EfuServer\override override
Nwmain.exe +connect
move Portraits EfuServer\Portraits
move music EfuServer\music
move nwnplayer.ini EfuServer\nwnplayer.ini
move override EfuServer\override
move Vanilla\Portraits Portraits
move Vanilla\override override
move Vanilla\music music
move Vanilla\nwnplayer.ini nwnplayer.ini

This moves the folders and files needed into the EFU folders where required, copies out the Vanilla stuff and launches efu server directly. And once I close EFU it moves everything back to how it should be.

It could be modified easily to deal with multiple different servers if required I would assume and allow for different key configurations for each aswell without multiple installations


There's another rig that will allow you to multi-box (multiple installs, same machine, same server, different accounts). Can get very busy.
But, BUT, I am sure the admins on EFU would frown very heavly on doing that. So I will not disclose such secrets. Except it can be done.