[Andrew Brown, Grakil'ixxal]

Started by Equinox, January 15, 2011, 03:45:46 AM

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So Yeah, I did play him.

Andrew Brown, a young man who aspired to be a city guard but got dragged into farming by his family. One day at a very young age Andrew was secretly possessed by an Ooze Demon, Grakil'ixxal.

He experienced visions and dreams, waking up one day at the age of eighteen, to find his family all dead. His wife, his father. No sign barring a slimy puddle indicating what happened.

Upon arriving on ymph he was terrified of the Ooze and his nightmares which became real. Yet a friendly Ooze Cultist, Gerard Blanc. Saw him accept who he was, embracing the Ooze demon inside him as his "guardian". Half the time Andrew was in the driving seat, nervous, stuttery yet envisioned with his new faith. The other half was Grakil'ixxal, evil, cruel, hell bent on feeding the ooze and creating chaos in Ghaunadaurs name.

It was a bit of a lottery as to who you were talking to one moment from the next but i think it worked quite well!

Anyways, I got a lot done on this pc in the two weeks or less i've played him. I had such plans, but alas. This is EFU.

Major thanks to:

Gerard Blanc, Blue41, Shadowcharlatan, Bonescreech, Halfbrood, ListeninSilence, TNVW, Mort, NuclearCatastrophe, Wern8. The Order/Armada for being great enemies.

And now, Screenshots.

Early days.

Just a Bad Dream? No, Sacrificing a Cleric of Orcus to the Ooze.

One of his many sermons

I PvP'd.. A lot.. Pretty much every day for some reason or another. Didn't win em all though!

My favourite Convert to the Ooze, Bonescreech. He was my Everest.

We did a lot of these little sacrificial rituals of gems, loot, etc. They were good fun!

Oh and finally, I know a few people asked about my whip. Here it is.

Feed The Ooze.


ultimate badass idea wish i could have seen more of her


An honor to ooze by your side, bro.


Honored to had been sacrificed. :)


"So what else is on your mind besides 100 proof women, 90 proof whisky, and 14 karat gold?"
"Amigo, you just wrote my epitaph."

"Maybe there's just one revolution.  The good guys against the bad guys.  The question is, who are the good guys?"

~The Professionals

Listen in Silence

Hilarious timing, horrible enemy, awesome death.


Sad to see him gone, although I didn't interact with him in game.
The mood set by the Ooze cultists was fantastic, really well done.

Spiffy Has



Looking forward to your next mate.


Very enjoyable. A giver of great gifts.


It was you, bro? Cool.

We met only that one time though, but I will still remember him.


That is so funny the way three of my PCs where in your screenies!
That just goes to show how crazy i went with alts over the period of two weeks.

Eq that was a great concept and story you had going, it worked very well man and im sorry to see him go! i'm also sorry i couldn't get more involved with just one PC.