Desert Area Suggestions

Started by UnholyWon, December 14, 2010, 04:49:22 PM

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I suggest adding randoms to the Desert Areas and also a some sort of Quest(s) to give an added bonus to traveling to the area in large groups.

I would also suggest the addition of some monster that uses tremorsense added to the Desert Area. Many people use invisibility potions and Hide/Move Silently in this area, to only avoid the Sand Demons, Rag Wraiths, and Desert Beetles. I feel it removes from the danger of the area, especially if traveling alone or in a small group. I understand that tremor sense is not an ability that is given to a monster lightly.

That's it.


I would love to see a quest where you explore one of the ruins there.


Add a Giant Worm there please? Sand Worm.


I'd love to see little bitty tremor-sense sandworms! They wouldn't be all that scary by themselves, but they would force you to deal with them or be pestered throughout your journey.

Play them off as a mutually symbiotic. The worms locate the food source, the sand demons go crush, the sand worms eat the food.


Well, if you're going to force people to deal with what ever is there then the Sand Demons likely need to be more uncommon. Those things are very tough, most PCs probably can't handle them. I once saw three of them give fits to a very strong group of PCs.

Although I do agree, there needs to be both more danger, and some kind of reason to go to that part of the island beyond just the communing with the Mist, that's the only reason people go there now.


Sand worms with beholder tileset as the passage-way of rock eaten by sand worms gives me geek chills of how cool that would be.


Quick sand that you fall into, like the traps in the webbed wood would be good.


Just an idea. Probably the area is not used enough to actually implement such, but what about:

Make the desert areas smaller, but plentiful, with transitions being... random. To fully implement getting lost in the sands. So unless a group has a tracker in the party, the only way they can get to the 'other side' is by luck. Just a thought!

Also. The desert needs SPICE. Because SPICE extends life.


I personally would love to see a high level quest in the desert, I understand one was planned a while back.

Desert Bandits or something FTW.

Divine Intervention

I'd love to see more stuff added to these areas.  Many areas like the desert are some of my favourite on the server but are so under used as there isn't really much incentive to explore there.


I think the desert could be a really cool place, when there would be something else to do than travelling through it.

Maybe a quest in the ruins as said above? Finding out more about the undead there etc.?

Still I am doubtful if that would actually get many people there. Sure, the wilds characters who can travel there safely would spam a quest there, but they are already visiting the place regulary anyway. Getting there as a city character will still be a hussle and a long one. I guess what keeps most characters from travelling there is the distance and all the nasties you can face on the way, and I think those should stay like they are.

I guess its worth a try, but it would be a shame if a lot of time is put into a quest there, which is done once in a half year then, instead of putting that time into something more people profit from.


Divine Intervention

A high level quest would make most sense for that area anyway, and with a high level quest people will be tough enough to risk a journey for decent reward.


Quote from: Yalta;213548Quick sand that you fall into, like the traps in the webbed wood would be good.

But no killer quicksand, please. It is lame.


If anything make the desert more easy to handle. I went there once and our group (7 lvl 8+) had a hard