Wilderness tips for a newbie

Started by Jerthanis, December 15, 2010, 05:26:04 AM

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Hello, I'm Jerthanis, I'm the player of Harah Sadre and just joined a couple weeks ago, so I'm just starting to get comfortable. First of all, I thought I'd introduce myself to the forum with a simple Hello.

Secondly, I've been thinking of a character concept that I feel like I'd need advice for, especially considering how new I am to the game.

See, I'd like to play a Druid, but I'm not sure I would be able to navigate the wilds safely. Is there a good guide to wilderness survival I could read for reference? All the material I've read on this website indicates that you should never travel the wilds alone, but with this concept I'd be spending the majority of my time there, which is unrealistic to expect backup ALL the time. So is there some combination of spells, skills or abilities that could possibly make my life easier, or is this just "Carry invisibility potions and be ready to run" at all times?

Secondly, I'm really not sure how to build a Druid. I've never played one in Neverwinter Nights and any advice on what stats I need, how to play them and so forth would be appreciated.

Basically, I've got this guy's story and personality, but no idea how to make it interact with the system right now.


I sugest you go on IRC and have a 1 on 1 with one of our excellent wilderness survivalists.


Quote from: Lenthis;213601I suggest you go on IRC and have a 1 on 1 with one of our excellent wilderness survivalists.

This is your best bet.  Generally, mechanical discussion is avoided on the forums.  But if you ask around in IRC, I'm sure someone would point you in the right direction.  Also, welcome to the server!


#TeamNature on IRC.

I'll give you a lot of tips!

Groucho the Marxist

Quote from: Lenthis;213601I sugest you go on IRC and have a 1 on 1 with one of our excellent wilderness survivalists.

This. Stop by #TeamNature on IRC.


Or #Naturetwist on IRC


Talking to someone about your plans on irc is always a good advice.

Apart from that druids can get really stealthy (feats plus spells), and you should make use of that imo, atleast aslong as you aren't used to the wilds here. Travelling in a team as a druid isn't always possible, and also not really needed all the time, you can pretty much reach next to every place out there with your stealth and hopefully high AE.

A second point imo would be that you leave the Ziggurat pretty fast, naturally the loot a wildsman needs is easier found in the wilds, same for the friends and companions you want to have. It will be hard in the beginning, and there is not much of a way around that, when you are alone, but you should accept that some cats or something else is going to bite your ass aslong as you aren't properly set up. As said the best way to get set up is being out there and do the quests out there, you will meet the folks you need to know and you will get the stuff you need.

Most important point: The wilds are harsh, even more so than the rest of the server. Accept that they aren't Kinky Kingdom and that you will have ups and downs! And have fun, there are some exciting places and people out there!




I can comment on this... I was / am in a similair situation. I was new to server, familiar with rp heavy servers so wasn't worried about my mech or levels, however the reality of the wilds is that I don't feel truly "safe" until I'm a good solid level 4... although I've almost been to 6 twice, whenever I'm at 4 I end up slumming around the ruins trying to pick up quests.
At the same time.... I've gotten most of my gear from the wilds... and all my "friends" and companions are in the wilds... the times I've had to go to the ruins for IC reasons have been rp'ed etc.
I was new to the server... jumped right into the wilds, and have learned to be patient, rp in "safe" locations, and find myself at times really feeling in "tune" with various locations... much like my character who was "new to the isle"... I find myself walking in certain areas thinking to myself "glad to be back here" then stopping and realizing that "here" is just as dangerous as anywhere else... that's how I know it's a vibrant "living" server... when my character feels "safe" in a location that she used to fear for her life... now she is expanding her "comfort" zone... and also getting to know others "out here".... really give me something to look forward to...
In short my advice is opposite of LPFF's.... get off the "curse stone" and meet people that call it that and learn why they call it that... Ask Niven she's more than happy to discuss the problems of the zigguart.
*steps off soapbox and returns to eating lunch*
*getting antsy for next week when on vacation*
Edit: PS  yes keep invis in a quickslot so you can down one and run away... has greatly increased my suvivability in the wilds.


I played a Wilderness PC for a time, and while I do not have much in the way of advice, I will say this - Hoard invisibility potions and always try to keep a healthy supply of them ready. They are by far the most useful consumable while travelling the wilds of Ymph, and saved my hide more than I care to remember.


That and retreat potions. Never leave home without them

Listen in Silence

Find and cling onto a wilderness friend and get to know them, both the character and the player. You have much to learn, and the Padawan-Master relation is really the best for that, even more so than for the rest of EFU.


Playing a Nature PC is both frightening and very rewarding.
The RP out there right now is better than I have ever seen it.
Rarely are you truly 'alone'.. there are lots of us out there. More than I can ever remember seeing actually.

Now, being one of the Nature PC's that does not have stealth, I can tell you, Invis is your best friend.  Don't be frightened or think your PC weak by using them.  It will save you a lot of heart ache.

Make a point of 'hooking' up with the other Nature PC's.  The more the merrier when in the wilds.

Honest get on IRC and talk to some of the people.  I think the channels were mentioned above.  We are all more than willing to help you out.

Look forward to seeing you IG.