
Started by The Old Hack, November 25, 2010, 10:51:25 AM

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The Old Hack

Well, Ulfrin finally came to her end. Here's some glimpses from her life.

Here's her first encounter with the Order:

Then, one time after returning from an attempt to find the Lost Templar:

An early moment in the H'bala plot:

And, of course, two pictures from her first encounter with the farmland project, and how Jeneil changed Ulfrin's life by making her part of it:

Then here, from one of her last adventures with Durgrim before their estrangement:

I had a great run with this character. Thank you, all you guys who helped make her real with your roleplay!



Sad to see her go, Great Job on getting every Crook and thug after you! cant wait to see your next!


First Mirrina, then Ulfrin, next clearly will be Angelo De La Sol! Then the communists win!

I loved Ulfrin, and she made me want to RP within earshot of her for the potential quips, hee hee!

Great character, all around!


Ulfrin! Oh why did you not listen! A brewers empire awaited you in the safety of Castle Blackhearth, and a legion of swords to protect you!...after you converted, renounced your heathen ways, and pledged allegiance or be burned at the stake-of course.

Seriously, always enjoyed rping with Ulfrin, and will miss her!


*sniffle* I tried to find you. Then I got the plague. Then the server crashed. And now I'm sad.


Man i am going to miss her. Had a blast rping with her.. Always love the snide comments she would make. It made for an entertaining day to say the least. Also loved how safe i felt when she was around. Alas, another person lost.. While one who should be dead yet lives. (points to self.) wow your first day doing the farmland was also mine. I can see my char in the two pictures which was also the only day i did it sadly.


Not allowed to die. We need zombie Ulfrin! =[
Great character, really. =]


Riser Ulfrin.. Halfling skeleton come back with a vengance-
Sounds like a bad Syfy movie..


Enjoyed our talks ... you can alwyas make me think, which is great.
Keep up the great work, looking forward to who you bring to us next.


First Solace, now Ulfrin. Great job yet again, and I have had more than a blast.


Damn it, i was only away for 3 weeks!


Excellent Pc... I loved her. She will be missed.