[Wizard's spellbook: Grimoires]

Started by Lumiere, October 18, 2010, 03:37:21 PM

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With the recent addition of PC spellbooks, what about the possibilities for wizards to also have Grimoires, a sort of back-up for their workbooks?


This is a good idea, cause your always gonna get those people who will just destroy your book for the fun of it and thats instant retired PC right there.


No, you won't, in the same way you won't get PCs who just FD you for the fun of it.


Ah right, just read the new post on spellbooks. I wasn't aware of the new rules. I'm gonna post a new suggestion on destroying them.


Yeah, people here seem to expect the worst from EfU players. This is NOT Arelith, the people here are courteous, respectful and aren't so stupid as to destroy spellbooks unless there is a very good RP reason.


The suggestion made  with the background of having a solution to somebody -stealing- your spellbook.

Drakill Tannan

On the other hand, destroying a wizard's spellbook is an awsome way to piss him off without killing him. If say, said wizard is your archnemesis or something. Stealing it is also an awsome idea to ask a randsom for.

Back on topic, what for? Can't you just store a bunch of spellscrolls somewhere?


(Um, I know this isn't exactly on topic, but it seemed close enough not to warrant another thread)
What about magically protecting your magic book? Could a mage for instance cast stone skin or something on it to prevent minor damages, or maybe even a place a magical trap that would hurt the would be destroyer? I don't know how hard this would be to impliment, but I thought it might be a good roll playing counter messure for more paranoid spell casters.