The Laddermen: Still Alive

Started by DollarPhil, September 17, 2010, 03:17:25 PM

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Viordai may be dead and ascended to the heavens as a DM avatar or whatever, but the faction's still going strong. The Laddermen is a faction that offers a boost to any PC looking to make a profit out of the docks, and now is a great time to get in with plots and ideas.
Whether you PC wants to sell his blade, services, information, or products, we can help you do it. Plus you can get paid. If you want to learn the new Alchemy system, having a couple of Rangers around as well as a trader who buys recipes can't hurt either.

Most concepts and alignments can fit in but Paladins, characters that keep pulling blatantly Evil acts, and other extremes would find things difficult.
