Summon Theme starting table

Started by kanrath, September 03, 2010, 03:54:29 PM

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Character: Sav Delfoth
Account: oneinthehead

The Theme selection table at the starting area still does not give you the generic themes you should be able to select even without the conjuration school.


You have to be a wiz/druid/sorc to be able to pick your own theme. Wizards with specific schools only get specific themes (Illusion gets illusion, necro gets spirits ect) some schools get nothing.


I tried it with a wizard, and according to howard's post in an older topic of the same nature there are still summon traits everyone should have access to choose from.


There should be quite a few defaults to select, and also some 'perk' themes for your school focus and such. This is how it worked in the past at least. Then there are also hidden and locked themes.


make sure you didn't pick a school that totally blocks conjuration (evokation, transmutation, a bunch of others) lol