Gloomwalker perk

Started by AKMatt, September 10, 2010, 06:52:34 AM

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Character: Thyzykeelix
Class: Wizard
Race: Kobold (Halfling)

As of the last reset, I no longer suffer penalties in sunlight for light sensitivity.  I appear to still have the stealth bonus (PC created before change to Gloomwalker).


Howland noted in irc that it's currently bugged and it's known. I gues they will look into it when time permits.


Are you absolutely certain it stopped working for sunlight? Are you sure it wasn't just morning or dusk?


During the last reset it did not function during daylight.  I was outside in light for brief periods all throughout the day, and no effects were applied.  I also stood outside in the Squatter's Den for several minutes at hour 13 IG to test if it was applied when EFUSRE updated.  No light sensitivity penalties were applied.

As of the most recent reset (3 hours prior to this posting), penalties are applied again as they were previously.


It should be working fine now.