Implement a neutral bank outside the Dominion.

Started by DollarPhil, July 04, 2010, 06:18:27 PM

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Buns in the Oven

Bank on gull rock.

Perfectly reasonable, ICly sensible (being a neutral territory, not the DOCKS where babies get eaten and explosions happen as badass gangsters calmly walk away without looking back.)

And people still need to pay 50 gold or whatever to get there. There's your incentive to be a Dominion boy.

12 Hatch

It seems like the Docks district has ended up being far less dangerous functionally for players than the setting would suggest.  I'm not sure providing extra safeguards for Docksmen would do much except make the Docks seem even cuddlier despite being a run-down slum crawling with thieves, brigands, and ne'er-do-wells.

I'd be in favor of the implementation of things that would do the opposite of bank access - bring more danger to that place!


Which is why a neutral bank was suggested somewhere other than the Docks.

I'm all for the Docks having more criminal elements and becoming more dangerous to operate within but there does need to be some sense of balance and upsides to playing in the setting.

Having no place for successful Docks PCs to keep their gold is just ludicrous.  If you could keep it in persistent storage, that'd be one thing, but such functionality does not exist.  I know one recent Docks PC was forced to carry around around twenty thousand gold because of this.

Even storing it under a mattress would be fine, but no such options are available.

Just an option, would be enough.  And frankly setting up a bank is not difficult in the least.  Criminal NPCs would all welcome a bank themselves given the sorts of business it would allow them to put their gold into!


To be quite frank, having to carry huge amounts of gold around actually discourages PCs from engaging in criminal behavior. You've already got a lot of gold, why risk it for a few more here and there? If more conflict is wanted then there needs to be ways the criminals to protect their gains, otherwise they're just going to play it safer and safer so as not to tread on toes and lose 10k trying to get 200 gps off someone.


Coral Cove Bank, protected and overseen by Kozah and Umberlee fanatics. Go go go.

Divine Intervention

Why do people seem to think banks discourage criminality?  Lots of crminals use banks, especially organised crime.  How many mafia badasses and crime barons walk around with thousands tucked in their sock?

Drakill Tannan

I think it was exact oposite what the post implied: When mugging someone you risk loosing your loot and gold, if you are a docksman and are carring 2k in your pocket, you are less likely to risk loosing them for a chance of earning 200 gold. If there was a bank the  mugger can place most of his gold in the bank, and if he looses and is drylooted, he won't loose 2k, thus he is more willing to take the chance.


Having a bank somewhere outside the Docks for Docksmen would be nice. Honestly, a bank in the Docks would be a mugger hotspot. But a bank somewhere would really be helpful to have around.

Jayde Moon

I think a lot of people are getting hung up on the word 'BANK' and the connotations associated with the word.


Buns in the Oven

ahhh its a bank they are going to come ask us to pay the mortgage for our homeloan

The Boom King

I'm not sure why everyone's freaking out about this. It's a good idea. There are two banks. TWO. Both are in dominion territory. It been said about five times that this suggestion was for Gull Rock, not the docks. Even if it were for the docks, the docks have pretty much nothing but flavor, to be frank. If they get a bank, it's not like they're suddenly going to become better or even equal to the dominion. The docks have like what, one freaking merchant? Who doesn't even sell a respectable amount of goods, just the bare essentials. It's kind of bumming me out that people who have characters in the dominion are whining sort of like a child who's being threatened with a toy being taken from away.
It makes sense for there to be a bank in Gull Rock.
It makes sense for some company in the docks to have a bank as well, and here's why: There are dozens of players  based in the docks that have gone out of their way to make the area a prospering place. Most of the Laddermen, for example, or the members of the Illmatari Temple. I've seen it happening for the last couple of weeks. A bank popping up would reflect the efforts of those players.
Basically though, all the points have been made. At this point it's going to be squabbling over who is right and who is wrong. The suggestion is out there for the DMs, and it's up to them. The thread has served it's purpose, in my humble opinion.


"here friendly PC boppo hold on to my money and don't lose it i'll let you keep 10%"

bank created


Thier are gangs there.. they have the power to hold a bank and defend it? Well then let them make one, also when pcs go to make a place better that doesnt mean it -will- get better. It just means effort is being pushed towards that goal.
Also a bank in the docks would have to have somethign perhaps like a drain on the money you place in side perhaps a -.05% per reset that its in there, hence the taking of money by the greed gang that owns it.
Also, It could be plot material for a pc group to try and rob a bank if there was one in the docks. *Shrugs* Make it expensive..
Make it dangerous... Make it barely worth the trouble. And its docks material I think.


Derf, I already explained how PCs alone cannot create an effective bank. Lenthis, if it would be barely worth the trouble, who'd use it? The idea of implementing services is for them to contribute to better gameplay and RP, not be tokenistic. And, as I keep saying, It Doesn't Need To Be In The Docks. yes I'm working on a docks bank idea IC but thats because my PC has no real interaction with Gull Rock.