Temporary "Props"

Started by Garem, March 19, 2010, 07:42:39 PM

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Although this suggestion is poorly timed given recent statements that if players do something it becomes "mundane", I think it would be pretty cool if players could set up "props"/placeables somehow without DM supervision. I can see why there might be some issues with putting down placables that are not "ghosted", so for now* let's just assume all placables can be walked through so they are merely for looks and have no effect on mechanics at all. They would be created at the character's standing location and would be accessed through the Crafting dialogue. They would cost the player a small amount of gold, depending on what the item was.

Props could include, but are not limited to:
-Arcane marks (on the ground)
-Gold piles
-Torch racks
-Armor racks

For the purposes of this suggestion*, these props would not be persistant, would have 1 HP and could be destroyed with AoE, and would be strictly for aesthetic storytelling and PC plot reasons.

*Truly, I'd love to see objects like Spiked Barriers and other such tools that a player could use as additional mechanical strategy (outside of QAs). This would also make destroying these objects much easier, since they would be clickable.

** I'd love to see a way campfires could be made to last much, much longer. When they start to fade, they would send out an auto-emote along the lines of [begins to flicker, calmly fading] so players could go "refuel". Gold is probably the best way to do this, spending 2-3 gold (a generic use of a "resource") to lengthen the lifespan of a fire.


I quite like this. Uncertain how difficult it'd be to script, though.
i walked one morning to the fair


I've seen tents and campfires on other PWs. They come with a convo so you can pick them up again and keep them in your inventory, then re-use later.


This'd be really sick.


I adore the idea of this.

Luke Danger

Backed up 100 percent, at the very least the 1 HP props. Though perhaps barricades and the like would be -very- limited in use. Regardless, the question is is there someone willing to script it.


Tents, camps etc. would be great. Maybe a larger more permenant resting areas maybe.
The rest would also be very cool for RPing.


Definitely sounds cool done properly and limited in some way as OP said.


Allows us to customize things epically. I advise that items that do this are 1/day items, so resets don't destroy it.


Actually, perhaps even make this similar to the current gardening system, reset persistent?


Cant give cutsceneGhost to placeables. There is no way to make them not block movement and that's the real issue as it would be possible to bump yourself through locked doors. Block stuff with them and add a whole new layer of exploitable gadgets.

This has been on the drawing board for a long time with conservatism toward introducing new exploitable stuff being the barrier.


 - Make them explode if NPCs go near.
 - Search for nearby doors and prevent their deployment if one is detected.

But these would likely cause lag to implement depending on how many props are on the server! So, I'm hesitant to implement.


I don't really see how Barriers would be exploitable on quests. On Orcs quest, it sounds like it'd be a perfectly viable strategy to bring along a set of 50 pound barriers to help hold the line.

Is it impossible to script AI to attack barriers, if they see them? I know for a fact that NPCs can attack placeable objects.

As for bumping through doors... Well, campfires are set so that they can't be set at the feet of the user, and now I see why. Presumably the same thing could be done with these.

A check could be added to see if other players are in the way of the object, I'm sure. Else, trust players to behave, and deal with it when they don't.  

Bear in mind that there are also legitimate reasons on occasion for players to use bump exploits. Getting stuck behind plot doors or on ledges does happen, and it's always a pain trying to get a DM to fix it.


Could props be limited per character in the same way that plants are limited per area of the server to prevent ridiculousness?


I imagine that the ability for players to do this would remove a fair few Dm requests.
To develop the OP idea... what about traders that would sell the items, we have a carpenter for furniture and barriers? If made expensive enough they wouldn't be abused and would also be heavy, so you aren't going to want to carry a set of table and chairs everywhere with you. Carrying this sort of stuff to your hideout IG isn't going to be quick or easy and would require a team effort.
They could be used for setting up secret PC factions in the wilds or embellishing the few extra resting areas that exist.
