Movement Speed Bug

Started by Caddies, October 01, 2008, 11:41:59 PM

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Not sure if this is a NWN or an EFU:A-specific bug, but after being caught in a Web spell from a Skeleton Mage my PC's movement speed has gone to what I estimate is around 75%. Logging out doesn't fix this.


I've had this happen to me before on other servers as well. I think it also cuts your AC way down because it's basically  multiple web effects land on you and never go away, resulting in a lot lower Dex and reduced movement speed. If I remember correctly, resting is what used to fix it when I got this bug.
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If possible, running back into the web after this happens and failing the saving throw -should- fix this. It's makes the game recalculate the penalties and takes them away properly when it runs out usually. (as long as you dont get webbed again while you're caught, lol)


I'm surprised logging out/on didn't fix it.  That has usually resolved it for me.


I'm fairly confident this is not server specific. I've experienced a long time ago myself, and not even dying sorted it out. If it persists over reset, try and catch a DM for DM heal and/or some affliction wand testing -- those are as close as we can get to "resetting" characters.


There was no AC decrease.

Anyhow, simply resting seemed to fix it.