Lasran Mane - Spiritwarden

Started by Paha, January 05, 2010, 01:45:06 PM

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QuoteSo then. First time I've bothered to make screenshot thread in 6 years of playing.

Lasran Mane was perhaps my most ambitious concept, which made many succesful endeavours and attempts, but also failed due to his gimped build and my own silly mistakes, many times.

His story was a story of fear. Fear for death and his journey to overcome it, not by fighting it, but by cheating it, this is also how he became a spiritwarden.

Lasran was a full wizard/pale master that never had any fighter levels. He had armor and weapon feats to portrait his life as a curious explorer and student, who trained but never passionately pushed through. His concept was one of persuading and taking advantage of different situations.

My only regret is that the two real mistakes I made, were also the ones that caused my downfall. Next time I'm sure to pick it up and learn from it. This was my most enjoyable concept so far.

This is where he started his way, by invading the realm of previous Spiritwarden.

And here he took advantage of the prisoners of her plane, and turned them against her to overtake this position.

Lasrans first experiments, and hist most succesfull trophy was when he used the situation Zhong was in and persuaded him to submit in his plan, by offering him a different way for his own goal.

Watching the aftermaths of the vengeful Spirit of Yong

My most memorable times were as I fought to learn what Lasran had become. The status of Spiritwarden was something that you do not know or learn just by being it. It is something more.

Sometimes my quest lead me in places I did not necessarily wanna be. On other times, spirits summoned the Spiritwarden to come and aid them.

And on other occasion, you had to face yourself to find out what you are made of.

The last stand to see which of myself is stronger. The ideal or the will to overcome it.

These few are some of the key moments I remember always. Some others I do not wish to reveal at the public, because they give out some IC information that isn't for yours to know if you don't fight for it >_>.

And here are the two most important items that defined Lasran.

The armor of the Spiritwarden.

The sword that shreds and feeds from spirits and undead. I may end up putting statistic up as well at some point, but for now I won't.

Many thanks for the opportunity, especially to Talir for aiding me to walk through his story.

And not to forget, his Caliphar and buddy, Isidore.


Sweet sweet sweet.

Edit: I am a total fainboi of PCs like this one.


Two PCs of mine had the possibility to enjoy some moments with him.
Both had their fun moments, in different ways.

Talir Undead Attack Levels FTW!
"EFU is a romance server now" -Vlaid

"Some people just gotta be killed" -Gip




A very sweet and notable character.