Knight PRC

Started by GoblinSapper, January 09, 2011, 01:07:21 PM

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Given that it's a 5 lvl flavor PRC with some interesting but not face crushing class feats as opposed to some others, couldn't we remove the skill point req's for the class?
As stands:
Alignment: Non-chaotic.
BAB: +4.
Feats: one of Mounted Combat, Disarm, Improved Initiative, Improved Parry, or Iron Will.
Skills: Intimidate 1, Listen 2, Persuade 1, Spot 2.

Could it be made to:
Alignment: Non-chaotic.
BAB: +4.
Feats: one of Mounted Combat, Disarm, Improved Initiative, Improved Parry, or Iron Will.
Thats alot of skill point investment, especially if your a primary ab class who has to crossclass it. As is, only a Ranger or Bard could feasibly become one, or a reaaalllly carefully stated fighter.


Skiddly doo, i'm bumping you! *jazzhands*

Egon the Monkey

D'arques was the last Knight wannabe on the server and he was a pure Fighter. Bear in mind that the custom versions of the classes aren't supported any more so I'm not sure it's possible to change.


So what pre-reqs ARE there for the night PRC now? What do you mean the custom versions aren't supported? Does that mean Divine Champ and WM don't get their extra feats?


Knight PrC is actually pretty damned strong. Especially if you get all 5 levels. and seeing as you can take it at 5. you can easily do this. Considering its also one of the hardest prcs to earn ig, (to my understanding there has never been a knight prc on efu or efu:a). It comes with a lot of prestige, The skillpoint loss really isnt that problematic.

If you actually managed to earn knight prc, i'd imagine you'd get some op loot to represent your knightly status anyway. As far as PrC's go, it's fine the way it is.


It's not hard to earn at all.


Such is 9lives I am uncertain if this is an honest assesment or some deep-game trolling that goes way over my head. I am in awe.
Ah well, I did the math, it's easy enough to get the points if you don't mind wasting them.


You simply must have a lock solid code and represent a noble IG. It can and should be able to be earned by level 5. Knighthood via the Numinous Order is indeed hard to earn (I tried and failed once.)


QuoteBear in mind that the custom versions of the classes aren't supported any more so I'm not sure it's possible to change.

Does this mean the listed req's are incorrect and the NWN standard Reqs are necessary? Or....?
Is it
QuoteAlignment: Non-chaotic.
BAB: +4.
Feats: one of Mounted Combat, Disarm, Improved Initiative, Improved Parry, or Iron Will.
Skills: Intimidate 1, Listen 2, Persuade 1, Spot 2.

QuoteAlignment: any non-evil and non-chaotic
Base attack bonus: +4
Feats: mounted combat (requires ride 1)
Skills: intimidate 1 rank, listen 2 ranks, persuade 1 rank, ride 2 ranks, spot 2 ranks


It's the first one, but since our PRC are bugged, we'll leto Mounted Combat / Ride 2 to allow you to take the class if you fit the requirement, and your app is passed.


I'll hijack the topic to ask if there was any thoughts of giving an adjustment in length to the PDK abilities. Not to sound ungrateful, :) , they are really fun and I really enjoy my character, but they are all so short that I think a small increase would be welcomed.

Thank you!


That's been in the work for some time and just needs to be implemented. Custom PRC's sort of failed -- but various improvements to PRCs that can be achieved through LETO, adjusting PRC abilities (such as the Knight's) or spells (palemaster now counts for 1/2 levels for spell progression so your spells don't last 2 seconds), are all in the pipeline. Expect something soon.


Quote from: Gippy;218169That's been in the work for some time and just needs to be implemented. Custom PRC's sort of failed -- but various improvements to PRCs that can be achieved through LETO, adjusting PRC abilities (such as the Knight's) or spells (palemaster now counts for 1/2 levels for spell progression so your spells don't last 2 seconds), are all in the pipeline. Expect something soon.

I thought Palemaster levels already counted as full Wizard levels for spells? I swear I read that somewhere <_<

Edit :

Who knows if it went in or not!


It's 1 spell level for every second Pale Master level starting from the first.
