Developing an Interesting, Memorable Character

Started by The Crimson Magician, December 11, 2009, 01:57:42 AM

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In reference to #6, I think he is saying that make the death meaninful.  If his / her death was the 'right way' or 'good ending' for the character then go for it.  It's those that just get aggreviated and perma on the silly things that are depressing.  Especially if you have a character that was doing things.


I'm still old-school enough that I feel loss of a Con point is what should happen with each visit to the fugue.
A) That would make those immortals that can only have a meaningful death by being decapitated in PvP not so eager to run around dieing only because then they are the strongest 3rd level PC around with their 6th level gear.
B) It's really hard to RP the fact that yesterday my PC could cast X or brew potions, etc, etc and now they forgot for some strange reason.
C) The fact that they are "Doing something" doesn't justify weather it's a meaningful death. I have been witness to meaningful deaths that didn't die. It only proves my point about even retarded monkeys can make memorable characters as long as they keep ressing.

A PC that accomplishes something with few deaths vs a PC that accomplishes something with many deaths... Which PC is more successful? Which PC earned the more memorable title? All this ressing takes away from the PC's that didn't die 99 times. There are some memorable PC's that wouldn't have been anything had they let go after they died double digit times.

Define "Meaningful death"? What death isn't meaningful? (And dont give me that game glitch stuff, I know that one already.)


You really should be having fun with your pc and quit worrying about what others will think of it/you, or how that other play/pc stole your glory.


I wouldn't be here if I wasn't having fun. And I can have fun with almost any PC I make. I dont need to make an immortal to have fun.

Nothing against any players or memorable PC's that fugue alot, honestly. We all play by the same rules so it's all fair. It's my prerogative to play the way I do and makes me feel that much better about those PC's I make that do obtain the goals I set out for or are simply fun to play.


My point with #6 was more urging against ragequit when you randomly get mega-critted during a quest and its sheer bad luck, instead of the unwisdom of rushing in (without IC reasons) to do so.

I see lots of new players, get frustrated when they have some bad luck and simplyquit. I just wished encourage people to stick with a character through difficulties.

Frustration can come in more ways than just death also. Sometimes faction members that are crucial to your characters goals die off. Or, you lose a DM-loot item that was key to your goal.

I suppose I should amend #6 to include these frustrations as well, because they shouldn't be permanent setbacks to a players next Epic character.


i think bad luck can spice things up if everything goes perfectly that is kinda stale