Docks and Boats

Started by Ebok, December 29, 2009, 11:42:47 PM

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Alright, so it has come to my attention that the Docks can only be exited through the Zig, or the extremely dangerous sewers that are sometimes filled with Nightrisers.

This had me curious, as well, they are the Docks, with boats and stuff. I think we need to add a rafter in the old "port" of the docks that will cheaply transport people to and from the dock to some area along the coast with a small beach. Since we havent finished much of the coast line I can see how that could be an issue, but... What do you guys think?



Agreed.... as long as people using it to retreat during the upcoming DOCKS VERSUS STYGIAN showdown don't complain when a Stygian Warship comes up and anhilates the raft >,>


Elytherin Dragonius

like! I was actually thinking about that although i was also thinking that it would be a good idea to make a swimmable path from the old port area to the crash seeing as there is a water area (i havent really explored that asside from getting chased out by a pack of sharks so perhaps there is already a way)  and perhaps that raft can also take you to the gobsquat area as well



Agree. Also having a raft or boat in the squat waters might be a tad nice so monster PC's don't always have to run through the sewers or invis in the zig.


Um, not to spoil anything, but you should look around more carefully, Elytherin Dragonius.

Elytherin Dragonius

i did say i havent explored much of the crash (hence why i said "if there isnt already a way") but i know there isnt a raft trip to gobsquat ^^)