Mighty Crossbows

Started by Egon the Monkey, December 13, 2009, 04:47:44 PM

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Quote from: Cricket;156888All bows are underrated in D&D and NWN.

Why would you give an Uruk-hai a bow and not make it Mighty? His damage was crap, you see how many arrows it took to take down one guy? He might as well have been using a crossbow.

(Ba-doom, ching!)


i think my character should be able to shoot lava out of his dick and that should be the equivalent of holding a crossbow


There have for a fact been a number of very interesting crossbows in EfUs history. I have not seen any on EfUA, but then again, I haven't been looking nor around to do so.

With rogues, crossbows are nice because with sneak attack, it's a free bastard sword-equivalent weapon... with +xd6. With fighters, you get 3-12 damage and 19-20, x2. Rapid reload gives you multiple shots per round. That's a very viable weapon. Throw in that there are a handful of awesome tricks to using ranged weapons available, and you've got a winning combination.

Edit: Oh, not saying that there shouldn't be mighty crossbows available. Those are always nice and certainly can make sense.


QuoteWhy would you give an Uruk-hai a bow and not make it Mighty? His damage was crap, you see how many arrows it took to take down one guy? He might as well have been using a crossbow.

(Ba-doom, ching!)

[/I]Boromir just had a lot of HP.


He was a barb / ranger with 16 CONS and toughness. BOM told him how to build


Suggestions used to be about stuff that matters for sweet roleplay.

Mighty Crossbow? If it exists, ok. If not, ok.


"More +1 swords."

"Less +5 Vorpal Suggestion threads of Mind Abortion."