LF program

Started by Secutor, October 28, 2008, 09:41:33 PM

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Hey. I'm looking for a program (preferably free and downloadable) which memorizes CDs/DVDs so you don't have to put them in the optical drive every time you want to run their program. eg: you don't have to put a disc in to play NWN anymore since update x.xx. I'd like to be able to do this with my other programs. I heard it can be done.


You need a tool to convert CDs into ISOs.
And then you need a program that'll let you run those ISOs.

For the latter, I recommend DAEMON Tools.
 A google search for CD to ISO converter should turn up results, and while I don't think there are any of those that you can get for free, there are also Cough, Ahem, CD Key Generators Ahem, Cough, for -those- programs.

Of course, what you choose to do with this knowledge is entirely your prerogative. <.<


You could also search for cracked .exe files.