lol at derf.

Started by Thomas_Not_very_wise, October 17, 2009, 02:18:24 AM

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QuoteDeity: Derflaro
Titles: Lord of that is Simple, the hater of complication, the awesome of simplicity.
Alignment: True Neutral
Clerical Alignments: CN, TN, NE, NG, LN
Portfolio: Simplicity, the destruction of complicated regimes, over simplification
Symbol: America the Simple (US flag.)
Domains: Renewal, planning
Home plane: America

History: The Lord of That is Simple is a mysterious deity with his roots in many of the world's cultures, more specifically of that of America. With America's need to polarize and over-simplify issues, he feels most comfortable in America's suburb's where the white hypocritical conservative trash makes its home. He is fiercely opposed to Meldread the complex, who he thinks needlessly complicates any and all issues with long winded posts that spark intense debate amongst his subjects.

Dogma: Think simply and do not over think an issue. The most simple solution to a complicated problem should be the one presented. Do what comes first to mind for it is usually the most feasible and easiest to carry out. Anything that causes you to use any sort of logic that goes beyond the tenth grade is bad for you, and should be avoided. Live simply and humbly unless it makes your life overly complicated. Do not observe contradictions in belief- in that again it will complicate the issues at hand, namely, how to make Barack Obama look bad. Pray to Derflaro, Lord of Simplicity.

Sorry guys, i couldn't resist this crappy thing to troll's horrible I know and untrue, I'll do Meldread later.


I'll bet you'll do Meldread later...sick bastard.


rofl pot shots because someone can't prove me wrong



Quote from: TNVWThe most simple solution to a complicated problem should be the one presented.

This actually holds so much truth from a scientific view.



There's a House episode with that name!


I don't get it.

derf's trolls are just a masquerade in simplicity, but actually if you examine them further I think you will find there is a very complex and interesting depth to the hidden meaning behind is words.

I think derf's genius is just unable to be appreciated in this time, but in the years to come, they may eventually be recognized for the true genius they contain.

Unfortunately he will likely be dead by then.


someone could actually try to prove me wrong but it hasn't really happened


That's because you're always right.