Tentative Orc Concept (In the works!)

Started by Champion_of_brandobaris, July 04, 2009, 07:57:52 PM

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Still very much into this. So what exactly would this group be doing? How many people are you looking for? And what roles are available?


Our group would be designed to work as a cohesive unit, and perhaps form a temporary alliance with House Sharboneth as we set out to exterminate the infidels (The wild orcs) That will be here to oppose us.

I seek sorcerers, fighters, ((And clerics, but you will need to speak with a DM to see if it would be allowed))

4 people would be enough, but I'd be happy with two, or three. We would recruit half orcs into our cause as well. ((Maybe see if we can grab a Prelude.))

Our goal here would be find a way to return Home to the tribe. But in the meanwhile, seek ways to empower ourselves with the mysteries given here.

A Sorcerer/Palemaster concept is a firm possibility, as is the usual bard/PM, as you have a basis in faith.

We are not soldiers of random, wanton destructions. Rather, a focussed, directed force, who believe in martial discipline above wild fury. So Fighters would be more common than Barbarians, but not by much.

Working contracts, (Verbally, we don't know how to read) and smashing heretics, delving into the mysteries of the Netherese, Ilythiiri, and the Mist.

We would possibly see the Mist as the essence of the Mother, and it is to be gathered and brought back to our people.

As I said, many possibilities could work here.


Why not just make half orcs following orc deities?

You won't need to app, you'll be able to survive longer around other players, you'll be able to stroll everywhere you want.

You can have the same concepts. You can even push the concept to "hey we're LG orcs-pallies" and we'll cleans the world of our unpure brothers... etc.

Of course, playing orcs can be fun...


Half orcs would just be a cheap,  work around the concept.

The orc subrace is there to add the element of challenge this would be requiring, and be much fun with!



IRC channel for those interested


I'm insanely interested in what you're proposing here. I've been looking for a new character concept to roll with and I think this is just my sort of thing. I'd probably have a preference towards playing either a cleric or barbarian based character, although I'm open to fitting the role of any position that needs to be filled in the ranks. My only requirement is that I don't play a wizard or sorcerer, seeing as I have some level of disdain for playing them at lower levels. I'll be following the progression of all this closely. It'd be nice to see some DM input, though.

I'd hop on the IRC channel but I'm completely ignorant of how to use IRC.


I am feeling that clerics will be unlikely unless we get a DM OKAY on this thread.

I am looking to play a sorcerer myself.


Sounds like Bane to me. FTW


Unless I'm wrong, the dms won't accept mass apps for monsters subraces chars. The concept is nice though!


I'd approve of making this an actual concept.


Id like to be apart of this.Ive been waiting for an orc concept to come around on EFUA and have missed any that have.Ill make what ever is needed and Will App. if this gets off the ground.
I really like the back story And would love to make a Wep.Master of of Grummsh.


O shi- I just Thread necromanced >.>


While I have a main, shoot me PRIVATE MESSAGES, if interested.