Suggestion for Storm/Air Domain.

Started by BrittanyPanthas, September 18, 2009, 07:16:12 AM

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IMO clerics are very powerfull on EFU. This would only serve to make them more powerfull.


Clerics are powerful, but they are far from OP, in this setting. Barbs are actually the most op class.

This is a cool suggestion, more so for the druids.


while clerics are strong, and everyone's opinionated call of whether or not clerics are 'OP' or not ring ever true, i do not think i have ever witnessed a storm domain cleric prance about and thought to myself "curse that overpowered faggot."

i firmly believe that flavorful suggestions deserve more than an OP or not OP sound off


Gust of Wind makes a lot more sense.

And any of you who thinks clerics are overpowered should go ahead and roll one up and get into some FD duels. You ought to be king of the server within a month if they are as overpowered as you say.


Clerics can loose to an unbuffed fighter. They are far from overpowered, powerful yes, but nothing compared to a level 6 wizard with a haste and combust spam ready.


A buffed cleric level 10 can lose to an unbuffed level 9 Barbarian. Through my own experience. Which kind of states the same thing others have been saying, clerics are far from overpowered- What I'd like to see though are more powerful spells to be added to clerics who have shown themselves to be "worthy" of it by recruiting, converting preaching and being a very good example of a cleric of that specific god.
If this would be possible clerics that are actually roleplayed well would be more powerful ingame by the power their god has given them and it is no longer only a question of who has done the most quests.
Not sure if its possible to add specific spells to a specific cleric though, but if it was possible, it would surely be cool as hell!