Depositing gold into other peoples bank account

Started by Daemonic Daz, September 17, 2009, 10:35:28 PM

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Daemonic Daz

Don't know how much server load it would cause or if this is wanted but I'd thought it'll be pretty cool and useful if we each have a seperate account name for every account opened at a bank (or maybe few) which could used if someone wanted to deposit money into a account as payment for something or another.

For instance:-

Your PC:- I'd like to deposit gold into someone elses account.

Banker:- Who's account would you like to credit?

*Kick starts listener script*

Your PC:- Genericbankaccount

Banker:- How much gold into "Genericbankaccount" account?

etc etc etc.

Naturally I'm suggesting this because it's something my character would greatly benefit from but it'll be pretty cool for others to make use of as well.


I like this because it adds a convenience while preventing other PCs from finding out whether or not I keep my money in a certain place.

Luke Danger

I like this, definitly will make it easier to pay someone.

DM's probably will want to be able to track who puts what into who's account, as I recall, they already do such for the Workshop Guild or Temple donation bowls.

But otherwise, I highly support. Perhaps an added fee for allowing others to deposit (after all, banks need to charge something to let an advanced service go to them)


Would not this trigger some gold transference between characters activity? Well, I'm not putting the player base to test, but it would be a tool for it ... I'm sure a way to track such transference down is not hard to script though ...