Transition Bug - Ziggarut Tunnels - Transition goes to another door that it shouldn't.

Started by ScruffyMcSmirkalot, August 24, 2009, 06:06:04 AM

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The transition from the Tunnels (Which you can enter from the hole in the wall in the Ziggurat area) to the sewers transitions incorrectly.
The entrance from the tunnels, located on the west from when you first enter from the Ziggaurat, is a door at the bottom of a few steps. When you enter this door, it puts you in the sewers near the sewer raftman, right outside a locked door. However, this locked door (once unlocked) doesn't transition back to where you came. Rather, once you open it, it reveals a hallway that leads back to a door (unlocked) transitions back.
It's minor, but I thought I'd point it out.