Wanting to help

Started by General-shadow, August 23, 2009, 04:09:43 PM

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Hey since my last few pc where not the best i was thinking i should help other peoples groups and such till i get the feeling of the new server so am willing to create a pc for a group or idea that someone needs help with even if its a new or old thing i want to sort of hit the ground doing something if anyone remmber my old ones like stacy/ajax then you know my sort role play and how i can fit into most rules ether evil or good or something els any ideas welcome so wanting to do something and need extra numbers or one more person ask i will gladly help.


Steward guardian.

Any warrior type will do. Any natural concept will do. And you will be playing with awesome.


mm sounds intresting what kind of work do they do reading up on them the now but is it worth it i would love to join an armed group that wont get killed of instantly when i join it.


Ymphan Arcana can use hired blades, more mages, informants, clerics of Mystra/Azuth/etc.


i see never heard of that group so sounds fun and i do love playing spys not playe da good spy in ages hehe so how do i get in that sort of group can seem to find any thing of fourms


Acting as a Sharboneth Deputy is a great way to get involved in the server and meet some of the major characters, NPC and PC, on the server since pretty much everyone deals with Sharboneth. From there, it's only a small jump to many other interesting factions including the racial PC groups, the Stygian Armada, the Disciples of the Pallid Mask, the Magistrates, the Armsmen, or the Retainers of Sharboneth. Tons of possibilities.


Quote from: General-shadow;141915i see never heard of that group so sounds fun and i do love playing spys not playe da good spy in ages hehe so how do i get in that sort of group can seem to find any thing of fourms

Find us IG.  Leave a note for one of the forums.  Make a sending for a member.  Many, many ways to find us.  ~.^

Drakill Tannan

Join the children of Yondalla, there are tons of halflings right now, and it's easy to find someone to play with.


many groups yes and the halfing groups seem to be kicking of and the star gazers look like they could egt along with my druid pc i make hehe but mmm sounds good but bu sounds of it not many groups realy need man power or anything shame but i will pick the one that will get m earound the place fast