Ahmed "Ahmood/Big Ahmed/Chicken Man" Kaliwazah has moved on to greener pastures.

Started by Egon the Monkey, August 09, 2009, 08:26:50 PM

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Egon the Monkey

He's alive and well, and decided to remain that way by getting the hells out to start a restaurant and write a book on the archipelago.

The best screenies of Ahmed's time on EfU are here, and the ones of his trip out will be up soon. Post 'em if you've got 'em, guys.
ImageShack Gallery

I would like to say thanks to everyone who got involved with Ahmed, but well, that's damn near most players. But, special props to:

The Sterr Crew/First Bolt
The Archaeological Society, then the University
Luke Danger and Talir, for the debates on magic and necromancy with their PCs.
Badcompany, for Quin, Ahmed's longtime drinking, plotting and questing buddy.
Moonlit and Starless for the Alchemy SCIENCE club we had going, the plots, and the epic quest victories.
Anyone who came to him with a question or plot.
The player of Zulkaylah el-Lathmurtha for a fantastic minion.
The player of Elandil Everheart, for swinging Ahmed round to occasional good deeds.
Sternhund, for a brilliant, puzzle based DM faction, and Ahmed's wand of fiery doom (so fun :))
And, of course LiS, for making Ahmed rich with Morningblood's obscenely large potion orders ;).

Listen in Silence


With Ahmed gone, who's gonna buff me, heal me, look after me, research for me, brew for me, do them posters for me, answer all my stupid questions and breast feed me now?
Who damn it, who?!


Not to mention use their chicken to check for spies and sneakers.

Luke Danger

Aw man... Ahmed was awsome.

But alas, all good things come to an end.

Enjoyed playing alongside him though.


Fat wizard. Bring on another Cliche Egon.

Awesome pc. Shame he was played by a njub.


He was a cool mage. Don't retire him just yet...


sticking it to the man in the name of all those good aligned necromancer swarms. kudos.


Figures you retire him just as I have need of him.  Just my luck.
Ahmed was an excellent character.  Enjoyed watching him from a distance.  Keep it up.


I'm still sad we never got to do that lecture on swampland geography.
Even though that was kinda my fault.


Very cool character and a very good faction mate. I hope you got more cool stuff on the way.