The New No-Party Update

Started by SanTelmo, July 31, 2009, 02:06:16 PM

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This turned into a quite different thread that I intended. As I had not tested the system before, I merely wanted to express some problems it might cause. Now after testing the system in game myself, I'm very convinced of it's positive effects. The combat log is not flooded, does not spoil anything. It gives you a certain feeling of being alone, yet I'm sure this changes when people get used to non-party system. It makes things smooth in invasions and seemed to work in wilderness as well, giving xp to all those neutral to your character who were nearby and killed a monster. And no, the range does not mean that you get less exp if you've greater distance to the dying creature.

Even if this brings the problems mentioned here, there is a fix to those I'm sure. Being able to kind of OOC flag traps didn't sound too bad idea. Very neat system all in all and after a while of testing it I hope can be fixed to a fully functional system to replace the old party system.

Elmo wishes peace and hopes that people bring only problems they encounter with the system and suggestions to how to fix them to this thread, no war of "Nay this is bad, Yay, this is good"
"EFU is a romance server now" -Vlaid

"Some people just gotta be killed" -Gip


There are many issues resulting from these changes, the least of which is being unable to heal party members through portraits. I'm going to lock this thread because, at this point, nothing more of value can be said on the matter; only yays and nays, and we have enough of both. We may or may not remove this again -- until such a time, feel free to make specific suggestions about potential improvements to the system (e.g. lacking feedback) in new threads. And report bugs, of course.