Contacting Firefly DM (Stardog?)

Started by Forrestwolf, July 22, 2009, 12:19:08 AM

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Hi there - I'm actually trying to find the DM running the Firefly campaign...perhaps he goes by Stardog here?  At any rate, this is the only way I know to contact him, so here goes.  And by the way, this PW looks very, very cool, and I may just have to try it soon.

Nightfire: Firefly NWN


Stardog goes under the name 'Sternhund' in #EfU on the DarkMyst IRC network. Otherwise, I'm sure he'll PM you here.
i walked one morning to the fair


Hey ForrestWolf! Welcome. You should definitely give the PW a look-around, it's a very cool place to be. I've shot a PM your way with all the details. I'll talk to you soon! :)

Speaking of which, if anyone else here is familiar with Firefly the TV series, or would like to be, just shoot me a message in IRC if you're interested in what we have.


Stardog you dirty girl, have you been cheating on us?