Squixxle the Snuggly

Started by Sandstorm, July 24, 2009, 04:24:49 AM

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Such a short time since my last one. =( I realized I actually did take some screenies. Enjoy.
It took me a while to figure out these were PCs. Then I was like "oh shit" and threw an acid flask at them before running away.

Watching some folks beat up one of them.

They didn't have the best relationship at first.

Beauty and the beas-- wait, is she male, and headless? It wasn't me. =(

The beginning of his rise. Thanks to Teli's player for being cool about it.

He didn't like hanging out in Gobsquat. Here's one of the reasons why.


Possibly my only real accomplishment.. Orchard is amazing for actually roleplaying fear.


Toodles. Leave ego-boosting comments.


PFt. Awesome. I will miss some of my goals and find new criminals to play around with.



What? When did Snuggly little Squixxy die? D:

Fliggin McButton


Some of the shots, I mean.
Great run, man. I regret never having my beard cut off by this PC.



"EFU is a romance server now" -Vlaid

"Some people just gotta be killed" -Gip

Luke Danger

Squixxle the Carcass. ;)

Enjoyed plotting how to kill him, though it was pretty anti-climatic IMO


The Rubies finally got him. :(


Whew, I can leave the city alone again. Throughout my stay here, I've had the pleasure of having some really wicked awesome and creepy sons-a-bitches as enemies to my characters. Right there by Ignatiev, this one.


Really awesome character, Sandstorm.  Was an honor to have my home vandalized by him.

The Boom King

Definately fun to have worked under Squixxle. Awesome villian, from what little I saw of him.


Cool pc TRB.

I will miss your pm's asking me if i wanted to do wild orcs. Amusing times.