Places to Resurface on the beggar's missing ring quest

Started by Egon the Monkey, July 02, 2009, 11:48:15 PM

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Egon the Monkey

I must have fugued 3 alts so far due to pushing ahead in the hope of bubbleberries that were needed and not there, because someone was lagging and forgot to close the seaweed "boxes". Can we just have 2-3 places to surface so there's always a waypoint you can reach in 60 seconds or so and the berries are an advantage not a requirement?

That way, you can't die due to lack of item spawns and be unable to reach your pack.

Drakill Tannan

Instead i'd like to see the enemies drop blueberries. Easier IMO and solves the issue.


Bubbleberries are not a 100% garentueed spawn.  Don't play OOC'ly and push your characters to their deaths just because you OOC'ly know that there's a chance there'd be a bubbleberry ahead.  Your PC doesn't know that.

Why would you take that kind of risk in real life?

Dr Dragon

Exilestrife has nailed it.

Egon the Monkey

Huh? When I spoke to NC about it, he said they were supposed to spawn and the lack of them was a bug. In that case I really would suggest adding places to surface, rather than having a quest where you have a good chance of being physically unable to complete it.


I wonder if NC told your character he is supposed to be able to make it, for bubbleberries are supposed to spawn ... :)

Nah, just being an ass ... Well, I reckon the bug should be fixed, adding places to surface would be a patch to a bug. By the way, this quest, sometimes the character is unable to take it, even being in the level cap. I wonder if there is a mechanical trigger that does not allow taking the quest for an IC reason, or if it is just bugged.

Listen in Silence

There is no message telling you that someone else is taking the quest. I believe this is an old bug.