Huge green jellies on transition points

Started by Macizo, June 30, 2009, 03:30:06 AM

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My character walked right into a huge green jelly on a transition. This is quite deadly and a bit unfair. (since I'd probably see it if I were walking down the path)

According to the DM that helped out this happens all the time. Perhaps the jelly should be moved elsewhere? (in west point)

I saw it chasing a assassin vine around the area and I left them. The vine apparently led the jelly into the south bog and died or disappeared. This left the jelly sitting there on the transition, waiting for my character when he crossed a minute or so later.

He was immediately engulfed and oh so slowly digested. Mmm.



Strangely, I discovered today that these jellies are vulnerable to sneak attacks, which really doesn't make much sense.  They should probably be made immune.

Alternatively, they could be removed as they are less fun than monsters that let you fight back.

Corona Nox

Assassin vines aren't much better, though they seem to be a less prevalent issues.  Got freedom of movement?  No?  Then you're dead.  Enjoy.

Egon the Monkey

Assassin vines don't have true seeing to my knowledge (I've never seen one attack my PCs in stelth or invis), and if you're in a party they're survivable. Green Jellies on the other hand can cause a TPK if they hit a group on a transition, and they are exceptionally problematic with this bug.

I can't see what the reason is for keeping them in the module when they are so broken. There's plenty of other scary stuff in the bogs that works just fine.


- They're a relatively uncommon spawn that get dragged to transition points by PCs, they don't spawn at transitions. PCs are supposed to get a DM to move them if they drag them there.

- I do agree we should likely remove them though if they are that consistently being dragged there.

- Assassin Vines are not that bad. Dangerous to the lone explorer for sure, but they have very poor detection and there are even quests where a party of PCs takes down dozens and dozens of them down at a time.