Marching Dead

Started by Semli, June 27, 2009, 05:25:16 AM

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Cool stuff, just two things:

It would be really good/cool if there was something on the opposite side of the platform, so PCs had good reason to fight and kill all the monsters. I believe this is preferable to suggesting we had better do it the right way, or else. I would probably even agree to dividing the existing loot containers between the two sides is better than the current setup.

Also, the Lore checks are a little on the high side, considering the level range. Unless you just happen to walk in there with Identify handy and a decent Lore modifier to boot (and keep in mind the level range on the QA), you're probably not going to figure out what's written there.

Drakill Tannan

IMO, all the loot should be on the other side. I've sometimes entered, taken the loot then get out and abandon the quest, it's too easy.

And i've never, ever been able to decipher the tablet either :P


This quest is a great boost up for characters that have fugued, dropped to level 3 and stripped form gear. It is good as it is, because it gives a second chance for those who want to keep their characters after hardship. So, the option to fight the undead is good because of this. Besides, for some characters, fighting undead has a purpose of its own.

Oskar Maxon

There was a thread which suggested this earlier, due to pcs just walking in, taking the loot and leaving but I thknk I remember the response to that was that it was supposed to be that way.

The Crimson Magician

It would be awesome if there was a little tidbit at the end.

+5 Vorpal (Whatever that means) Katanas plz kthxbai

Corona Nox

I think the only real problem with the quest is the lore check that is impossible for anyone who the appropriate level to do the quest.


I agree with Corona Nox. I think the lore check should be reduced to a reasonable level. Even a PC with max lore, and even a skill focus in lore would have trouble deciphering the text.