Upper Ziggurat Guildhouse

Started by Egon the Monkey, June 15, 2009, 12:05:25 PM

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Egon the Monkey

Can this be put on a different map to the rest of the upper dwellings? As it is, it has a significant disadvantage over the other Guildhouses as it's not a private meeting space. You have to stand around whispering in your own headquarters, and can't use the table to do so, the distances between seats are too far. It's rather silly.



I guess I should add why:
 - Hearing through doors is common to all doors. It goes away after the door has been close for 30 seconds, I believe.
 - Similarly, moving 100 placeables is quite tedious and long.
 - This guild house is functional and the bug of hearing through doors in the 30 seconds between the door closing can be dealt with...

Egon the Monkey

It does? Aha. THought it was random whether is was hearable...