Clerk in the Mythallar room?

Started by Pestilence, May 23, 2009, 02:03:20 AM

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Think about it. All new players consistently have to travel to the tower, get their citizen papers and run back to the mythallar to get the sending stone. Put the clerk in the mythallar room. It would make it more convenient IC (because it is below the portal and people can get their citizen papers and it reduces hustle to the new people.

Crod Mondoon

Then new people would not ever discover the tower, at least probably not while they are new people..


Isn't it kind of the point of these newbie errand-ish tasks you have to do, to force you to have to see various parts of the city to familairze  you with what is around you?

 As opposed to just expecting new players to blindly explore everything, they in a way get their hand held through the paces of their immediate area.

Though I will add I don't think there's any mention of it through the newbie conversations, that if you don't get your citizen totem, you won't be able to hear the usual means of mass communication, the sending system. Which might be a big motivator for a new player to get their citizen paperwork done.
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Drakill Tannan

I must admit it was a bit overwhelming the whole ziggurat when i was new.. it took me a while to find out i needed the citicen papers to recive a totem to recive sendings, and it took me a while after that to find the tower.


If you read the conversations, you'll be sent in the right direction.


Put the damn clerk in the damn room where it's damn convenient, damn.


Why not just reenable the delivery quest to the tower so folk have another reason to go there?

Drakill Tannan


Um, don't you just have to go to the Arrival's Tower now? Unless I'm missing something?


Perhaps requiring them to go to the tower is done for IG, IC reasons. Sharboneth has not shown itself to be overly concerned with inconveniences to the citizenry! Upon entering the colony and being required to go to the tower, the government can weed out those people who will not obey the orders of Sharboneth and if (or more likely WHEN) they break the law without citizenship papers they can be dealt with much more aggressively in order to prevent further lawlessness.

Of course, the Guild Registration office is not a very frequently used room. Sharboneth could renovate and make it an extremely impressive place to show new arrivals how filthy rich and dominant they are to the same effect. Guild registration could go to the tower then, where patricians ought to be welcome anyways. This would resolve the issues discussed with the same outcomes.