Forum for Sharborneth Deputies

Started by Luke Danger, June 03, 2009, 10:05:54 PM

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Luke Danger

I seriously think the Sharborneth Deputies should get a forum for the purpose of relaying general orders and filing reports to their superior officers. Obviously higher Ranking Sharborneth plays should be able to, and given the fact that Deputies are in a sense organized in the Sharborneth forces, they should be able to use a forum to send reports in, as well as recive orders.



If something like what the CDL had for a while isn't already up for Deputies, I think that it could only be a good idea!


I agree very much with this suggestion. It could be moderated by PCs from the Armsman faction instead of DMs, which would simplify things greatly. Since the Deputies are essentially more of a player faction than a DM faction, and there are so very many of them, it makes sense that they have their own forum.


It's not really very feasible with the new forum software.

Despite all the nice new features that allow applications to be handled so much easier, there are no Usergroups, so a DM has to process every addition to or removal from secret forums. With character turnover what it is, and as you said, the sheer amount of Deputies there are, it's not a very feasible suggestion.

Consider also that this is a phase, and the influx of deputies can very reasonably be expected to taper off eventually, I think it's a better solution to just have people communicate by forum PMs and letters, and save the perk of having that faction forum for those who actually succeed in joining the Sharboneth faction.


Two requests.

One, this new forum software BS should die. Getting faction forums started is such a PITA.

Two, do this anyways because Deputies aren't just... nothing! We're a hair above the CDL, I mean, we have armor and badges and get messages from certain equipment we possess. So yea, a forum would be great at the very least.

A discussion about the deputy process as it is is probably warranted too, because it's really a strange step in the process.


Killing vBulletin is something that will take careful planning and the coordination of our technical experts, who have so thoughtlessly gotten real lives since EFUA's launch.

Except for Johannes, he's just in France.


Switching to a different, less retarded forum system (For at least our faction forums) is absolutely desired by ME at least.


Its not hard at all to start a forum faction.

You send snoteye the name of your forum
You send snoteye the list of your moderators
You send Snoteye a list of names of the deputies.


But yes, we often talk about change of forums
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


Right, but then you need to send him a PM every time one of them dies, or one of them joins. With a faction like the deputies, it changes often!


I speak my mind hesitantly as some of this might have a bit of spoiler residue in the corners.  Forgive me for it.

Even playing a deputy at the moment, I would have to say no.  At least not until one of the Armsmen does something IG to justify any sort of OOC organization.  Most of the current deputies were recruited within the last week.  In a very "We're short staffed tonight so here's a badge now keep your sword ready to jab it at anything I tell you to" manner.  It was even shown that many don't so much as know the laws of the colony yet.  Others don't even know what it means to be a deputy or how far their authority reaches.

To the best of my knowledge, there is currently no designated place IG for deputies to look for orders left to us, no designated place for us to leave messages for one another and given that all doors from the main room of the citadel are locked, no way that any such place could currently be considered "private".  It might have been different in the past, but the current status of the deputies faction seems to be barely a hair above that of any other PC driven faction.

A forum might be a quick and dirty way to change that, but I'd rather first see it IG which obviously makes it more interesting and also better deserved.


I actually do see your points Vendayan, and it makes an arguable case. Ultimately, we still have the clerk and a desk at the Citadel that I frequently RP taking daily orders from. Could be wrong of me, of course. Also there's the tactician dude in the back... point is, we have a place that's our "home". That counts, I think.