The People's Voice: Issue III

Started by Random_White_Guy, April 14, 2009, 10:57:43 PM

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//Posted with DM Consent, but for IC Sake, the Issue has been posted both in the Library and at the three local taverns//

[Hide="Page One"][size=8]THE PEOPLE'S VOICE III[/b][/u][/size]

The "900 Brother's" edition[/u], By Kero Rahlst

We have all seen the Demands. We have all seen the "No Snoops" sign guarded by thugs within the Docks District. We've all heard the tales of brutality, and also the Tales of the aid offered during Red Elient.

Now hear the Truth.

The Blood of Brothers[/u]
Mercenary, by any other term, is still Soldier for Hire. Men and women who, in the pursuit and promised trade of coin, present themselves as a helping hand for a helping of the prize.

I sat down with the General of the 900 Brothers Mercenaries while he enjoyed a fine meal, to get his side of the story. "We were betrayed. We were promised a fine amount of coin by Trenada to assist in the Expedition against the Orcs, which Sharboneth signed off on."

While they did not do all of the fighting, their presence was felt during the expedition, a bulk of their forces seeing much of the action.

During the War, the Stygians were acting as contractors, not Competition. They sought out the 900 Brothers, esteem mercenaries which the General has lead for 116 years on various ventures and feats, but only once in his life, free of coin.

While little has been released in terms of actual announcement, the negotiations have broken down between the General and the Court and Governor. The General claims that no gold has been seen by he and his men, at least Thirty of which died fighting in Red Elient, only to be duped by the House Sharboneth with refusal to present the coin.

The Governor has stated that the Coin was given to the General roughly a month or two ago.

But what sort of Author and Man would I be without exposing the truth?

It is simple. There Is no record of where the coin went. The Treasury Clerk stated that the coin came from Old Port. It did not say who brought the coin, where the coin went, but that the Coin came from Old Port.

The Governor claims he has paid it. The General has not seen it.

We stand on the cusp of strife, and everyone is pointing fingers.

The 350,000 Ducat question is: Where is the gold?

This publication personally believes there is a force at work beyond our sight, manipulating both the House and General to sinister means. Connecting the dots presents a rather simple strategy.

Piss off everyone armed with weapons, and eventually they cut themselves.

Keep vigilant, Report all findings to the Armsmen, and keep a level head. Things on this colony are not always what they appear, and this may well be such a case.

While the gold is missing, The point is clear. The 900 Brothers wish to be paid. "Obtain the coin, one way or another. Only one job has been ever done sans payment, and this will -not- be one of them", the General states.

I for one hope that cooler heads prevail.

QuoteBenjamin  Winderhem Welcomes you to the Ziggurat!
Are you new to our fine slice of divine living? Do you find yourself confused and scared? Are you in need of a friendly face, A bit of supplies, or a bit of knowledge to help you get your feet steadied?

Benjamin Winderhem is offering his services as a Greeter to all, and would welcome any and all who wish to assist in this venture (Be it through assisting newcomers, donations, or otherwise) To contact him at the Kingsman Tavern.

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The Trail Runs Cold[/b][/i]
Having investigated this issue, Old Port appears to be the origin of the coin that was to go to the 900 brothers, but seemed to have vanished before reaching the General. Any and all leads should be pursued, and all should be reported to House Sharboneth.

The following areas are ripe for the picking, should you be short on coin:
  • A Fisherman reports Orcs sightings near Johan's Mill
  • The Hanged Goblin has been reported as having some problems in the kitchen (Beside the foul food)
  • Footman Lucine Sewell is offering a substantial reward to any individual who produces a verifiable complete history of the Targan Warblades to the William Bell Library
  • A Tribe of Kobolds have claimed a hill to the West of the Ziggurat, rumored to be hoarding coin.
  • Or, if you would be interested, Rahlst Publications is always welcoming new talent

The Blood of Faith[/i]
The Bombing of the Shrine of Lathander is a despicable act. Prior Blake of the Clergy intervened when numerous 900 brothers were beating upon a Dawnbringer of the Faith. The 900 Brothers were promptly laid to waste, but shortly afterwords the Dawnbringer was killed by wounds obtained from the Mercenaries and the Shrine bombed. Prior Blake could not be reached for Comment. It is unconfirmed if thise was the action of the 900, or men seeking to harm their image.

QuoteFor Every Adventurer's need: Rahlst's Imported Wands! Looking for wands? The Finest of Wands are being brought to you from Old Port by Rahlst;s Imported Wands. Ranging from Ilmater's graced healing to Sune's glorious beauty, numerous divine wands at fair and suitable prices

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The Blood of a Colony

Obtained by a source that will remain anonymous, the following statements have been added last minute to this Issue.

Please note that these are not the views of Kero Rahlst or Rahlst Publications, but that of citizen's opinions
Quote from: "A Grizzled old man"Grievous demands of consequence!? Blowing up a -godsblessed- Shrine!? I say to the gallows with the lot of them! This is Ridiculous! How long will we let them fester on our gates, harassing our citizens, before we take action!

Quote from: "Concerned Mother"What is taking the Court so Long?! My Donny goes to that Shrine all the time! What if he was there!?

Quote from: "Sharboneth Armsman"If it is War they Wish, it is War they shall have!

Quote from: "Stygian Infantryman"*Snort* I'll give them Heads on a Platter

Quote from: "Concerned Citizen"What has taken the Court so long to realize they are a threat? Where is the Action! This would have never happened under Ortred!

Quote from: "Half Orc"Urh...Where can buy smash stick?

See something you liked? See something you didn't? Leave word for Kero Rahlst at the Touch of Class to offer your agreement or to hurl rotten fruit at him.

Look for our next "Big" issue with well investigated articles, projected to be up within the next Three to Four days, and keep an eye out for our short Leaflets about town for brief updates on going ons around town.

Rahlst Publications thanks you for reading,

QuoteA Message from Kero Rahlst: Rahlst Publications is now hiring! Seek me out or leave word at the Touch of Class to get involved!
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips