Wild Orc Archers and Knockdown

Started by Velve, April 23, 2009, 10:34:31 AM

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Wild Orc Guerilla Hunter's don't seem to realize when they get hit and don't resist a knockdown, they're supposed to fall over.
They often continue running until they stop briefly, then fall over for a small length of time which isn't as long as knockdown is supposed to last, as they're up again in a flash.

No idea if this can be changed at all, but its just an annoyance. After all an enemy archer is running, what do you do? Try and knock them off their feet so they can't.


I think this is lag related. And as far as I can tell, during the time where they should be knocked down, all they continue to do is run (not anything else like attack or use items).


I was thinking about making a post like this. This is very anoying indeed. And I doubt it is lag related, but more something to do with the special AI.


It's not really lag related, but more of an engine thing. Not really anything they could do about it without messing up other stuff in the AI, sadly!

Oskar Maxon

AFAIK, it's a known bug that is indeed not lag related, but is due to the "running away" AI.


A similar thing happens with Gust of Wind unless the target is stationary.

Lux Lucis

Yup. I've already noted this before in the Druid Thread. I think even grease and similar knockdown spells/powers may be affected by this. It's really an engine/AI problem, so I don't see a fix for this anytime soon, unfortunately.