Machine Junk Turn-in/Favor store

Started by Cruath Quasith, July 05, 2015, 05:20:33 AM

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Cruath Quasith

While it's fun to carry around some of the broken junk you can find in the Machine to have it "just in case", I think it would be neat to have someone to dump your latest scrap run findings off to for some minor rewards. Another system like the salvage/rat meat in Lower with some different rewards instead of potions.

For potential NPCs to use, maybe Molly in the Crone will give rations/trinkets for turnins of malfunctioning/broken tron parts. Maybe the same type of favor store can be put in Upper in the tradehall or workmill as well. Heavier junk could be more valuable, maybe. I like to think it would encourage more people to explore and break stuff in the Machine.

Also as a sort of related suggestion: All animatrons you kill have malfunctioning/broken parts added to their loot list.