Poison Weapon Nomenclature

Started by Vlaid, April 27, 2015, 08:04:05 AM

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Just a small quality of life suggestion for users of poisons.

Currently you can get Mild/Weak poisons of various varieties from monsters, quests, perks and possibly other places I am not aware of.

When you use harvest venom glands from spiders you get various levels of spider venoms with a descriptor of their strength in parenthesis that do not follow the same naming convention.

I don't know all the strength levels of poison you get from harvesting but as an example the "Spider Venom (Average)" you can harvest from spiders is the same as the other drop/perk poisons labeled as "Mild Spider Venom". Which can get a bit confusing if you don't have all the poisons memorized or are familiar with the system already.
[url=https://www.efupw.com/forums/index.php?topic=706473.msg747918#msg747918]The Entirely True Legends of Velan Volandis[/url]


I have noticed as well that the venom name showing in your log when you harvest it isn't the same of the final product that appears in the inventory. So, sometimes when you harvest "spider venom (weak)" you may instead get a "centipede venom" for instance. I think that it would be good that the information matched the final result.


Its a bit difficult to do that, since the item gained is then renamed in your inventory and has all its attributes allocated to it at the stage of harvesting.

To allow harvesting of the specific item in every specific incident for the single purpose of having it show up correctly in the menu would, I believe be incredibly tedious - however having consistant naming across items is definately a good idea, having all items be on the same scale, rather than some on EFU's scale and some on Nwn's HOTU scale of naming to strength