Bodoc Biltopple of the Hin-Fist

Started by TheTacoWizard, April 14, 2015, 03:47:01 AM

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Bodoc Biltopple is now dead, was a good few months and I had a lot of fun playing him, and was the longest to last out of my characters in EFU. Now for a bit of a story about Bodoc's life before his time in the underdark.

Bodoc Biltopple was born in Lurien with both his father and mother being priests of Yondalla. Bodoc however did not follow his parents in becoming a priest but instead Bodoc started to train to become a Hin-Fist when he was 19. Bodoc had to go through many hard challenges, and after seven years he became a Hin-Fist.

 For three weeks Bodoc started to help out around Lurien and most of his work was protecting travelling merchants when they leave Lurien to go to a surrounding village or the other way round. Most of the time Bandits would try to rob Bodoc and to the Bandits surprise, Bodoc will have them on the ground begging in mere seconds. Bodoc in his spare time took an interest in helping the local farmers and tailors. In doing this Bodoc was able to learn a bit about farming and tailoring but was not perfect at it.

After the third week past he sun vanished out of sight leaving the Town of Lurien in panic, but that was not the worse part. After a couple of hours or so, the Dread emerged from the Underdark attacking Lurien leaving the town in pools of blood. During the horror, Bodoc witnessed the death of his Mother and Father which were defending the temple of Yondalla from the powerful Dread. His Father told Bodoc to leave Lurien and try to find some place safe, so in this Bodoc fled from the town into the darkness of the trees. Bodoc traveled around looking for a place to stay, but all he could find is more and more evil around each corner and all that Bodoc could eat is rotten food.

After a few weeks past, Bodoc found a dwarf kneeling and praying in dwarven, Bodoc soon found out that the dwarf was a Priest of Clangeddin named Hilinar. They traveled for some time until they found a portal, which lead to Sanctuary.


Sadly I did not take screenshots but if any of the Dawnrise Fellas want to post some screenshots with me in them, please do so below! I had a lot of fun playing with everyone on EFU and hopefully I will come back with an even better character. Big thanks to everyone in the Dawnrise Brigade, Society and Stewards, I had a blast of the time. See you all around!


My Druid will miss her freind


I will definitely miss the Bodoc interactions.  Great character.


Was great months building it up with you, Taco! Great times.

Vagrant Savant

Kick those shins and headbutt those groins. There are few monks, but Hin-Fist was among the better of them in my experience yet.


Bodoc was a stand-up guy if there ever was one, he'll be missed for sure.


Bodoc was really important in keeping the Dawrise's alliances. I loved to interact with him in our excursions through the Underdark. A shame I've never had the chance to build a deeper emotional bound between him and Mirna.... it'd be interesting.


Bodoc was a great PC that really seemed to show off the friendly nature of the halfling people.  He was a great asset to the Dawnrise Brigade and his labors of builing up the Hold are sorely missed.  I had a great time IG with Bodoc any time we interacted; from brawling in the grotto, to joining the Dawnrise, and finally his foul end in the Mushroom grove!  It was a great ride!


I forgot to mention in my above post but I really, really appreciated Bodoc as a portrayal of the halfling race.  Very, very few times during my 10+ years on NWN RP servers do I look like a halfling and say "hey, that guy portrays the race well."  It seems everyone and their mother thinks that halflings are great evil assassins because +2 Dex.  I've seen more evil-aligned and villainous halflings than any other non-human race, including half-orcs.  

Bodoc, in my opinion, correctly portrayed halflings as a happy, friendly character intent to prove that halflings are underestimated because of their size.  For this reason, I think Bodoc was a gem as far as halflings go.