a thread for useless facts

Started by Maimed, April 01, 2015, 05:43:34 AM

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Ever wonder how much your PC's wealth weighed?

In 1859 or thereabouts the Spanish doubloon weighed ~8.17 grams, or .018 per 100 reale peice. Doing some generous number rounding and finagling, this makes 1gp ~=1/50 a pound, or 5000 reales per pound.

So its actually somewhat reasonable to have thousands of gp on you, though space is an issue. This is why mercenaries would often wear their pay in little pockets sewn into their cloths in various places, being more secure and efficient than a single purse.

The more you know ~


Incidentally, 8 grams of gold is currently worth 304 USD, making one gold coin of this size worth over 300 usd



50 gold is equal to a pound, so hey, neat, D&D guys did their research