Monsters with See Invisibility

Started by Vlaid, February 28, 2015, 01:24:42 PM

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I think the approach to the monsters that don't care about invisibility might be a bit overkill and backwards in the areas they are placed in.

Almost all the things that will ruin your day if you're some frail invisible traveler are near Sanctuary, the further you go out the safer you end up feeling. You are actually far safer in the Lower Dark as such a person than you are in any of the areas directly connected to Dunwarren/Sanctuary.

I would suggest moving a lot of those spawns further out, removing them from the more common areas, or something along those lines. Just feels a bit overkill in the wrong direction currently. If you need the names of some of these monsters ask me on IRC.

I think it's fine to want there to be some risks to being an invisible traveler, but if invisibility doesn't even feel like invisibility because of how common the monsters are that can see through it... what's the point?
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