Strange Lag issues

Started by Egon the Monkey, April 29, 2009, 01:47:40 PM

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Egon the Monkey

Recently, I've been getting situations where everything around me progresses normally, with no lag, but any action *my* PC wants to take has a delay on it. It's not even like the ping times on the server are particularly high, and it's only started happening these last few days. I'm not the only once to have experienced this, having asked another player. It's very annoying, and fugued me a couple of times.


To me, that sounds like server is not slow but your connection is using it's load somehow?

Egon the Monkey

That doesn't explain why all the information is going through on time except for what I want my PC to do. I'm not running anything other than NWN either.


Some feats and abilities have been known to glitch the actions of characters, like Whirlwind or HiPs. However, the delay might be your rolling of initiative. Sometimes if you click to change something, it may take a full round before the effect comes into place. Say, flicking on expertise or power attack.

Then again I'm not entirely sure what you're referring too. How long do these delays last once they start? Are we talking 10 seconds? Or permanent actions stance with nothing but fugue or crash to follow?

Do you notice what actions are being delayed? Is it always types of combat actions or spells-- or is your movement from place to place running on a delay as well?